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It has been an 'interesting' week . . . my health has (kinda) bad this week; more neurological stuff than anything else; eyes, left arm, balance, speech when tired and cognitive dysfunction. And overwhelming fatigue. Not too bad as it stands, but it was deteriorating and I was concerned that it was going to get worse.
Also, Bob had a cousin from the West over visiting with his wife (which is good), and his brother from the south coast also came up for a day or two - which was all very tiring (in my 'delicate' (haha) condition).
However, contrary to the sense I had yesterday, I was heaps better today, and was able to make it along to Customs. It was a bit of a struggle, but I ran 27:00 for the 5k, which I wasn't unhappy with. There was a pretty good turnout, especially of women, with a record (I think of 13 today - out of 27 - Yumiko, Adrienne, where were you when we needed you?). Jodie did a massive PB though which was great, and allrounder has finalised the CR Bush marathon team with Aki in there.
Aki and I had a 'quick coffee' - or hoped to - at The Deck afterwards. Unfortunately, the staff seem to have changed and the service is appalling. Last time we waited forever, asked repeatedly, and they still didn't serve us and we ended up walking out. Today I was insistent, but it wasn't good.
We had some important things to discuss - the wisdom (or otherwise) of me doing the Woodford to Glenbrook, and my desire for us to get away together for a weekend and catch up with some CR's. We are toying with the idea of making it the weekend of the 5k Bay challenge, incorporating important things like a visit to the Lindt cafe at Martin Place and so on. Any suggestions for a good weekend in Sydney? My old stamping ground, but all new to Aki.
Fingers crossed for another better day tomorrow, eh?

3 Responses to “Update”

  1. Blogger Unknown 

    Carolyne, Ewen & I stayed at the Travelodge Motel in Phillip Street for the weekend of the SMH Half Marathon...about 2 doors up from the Lindt Cafe!! Neither of us was looking "decent" enough to go in, but it sure looked good from the outside!

    A better day tomorrow...you got it!

  2. Blogger strewth 

    Fingers crossed indeed and do hope today was a good day too! Hang in there and do know we're all hoping things improve very soon. You always seem to bounce back after bad bouts inspiring all of us. Oh and staying somewhere near the Lindt cafe sounds a pretty excellent plan!!

  3. Blogger speedygeoff 

    Hi FD, is it blowing-out-lots-of-candles day today? What's the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything?

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