A grumpy, whiny start to the day.

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The sinus pain that return with vengeance yesterday endured throughout the night and made me the proverbial bear with a sore head this morning. Thus, in typical (female or just person-kind) fashion, I couldn't find joy or cheer in anything. The it's-bad-enough-to-drink anyway decaf beverage I use to sustain myself with each morning had not been replenished by Bob on his trip to the supermarket, my backside hurt (a lot), I couldn't get in contact with Bob to let him know what time I had made his appointment with the quack was, nor knew what time to expect him to return from his run with Jude. I was dragged down by the endless washing of sheets et al, and didn't want to tie up the shower while Bob was out. My hanging of the mirror in my study on my own produced two big holes in the wall, although it is too high.

As I said, in my mood nothing could be right.

I rather gingerly cycled to Customs, leaving plenty of time, avoiding the rather gentle 'Hospital Hill' and taking the flatter museum route instead, and coasting most of the way. The sensation of movement made my sinus pain even worse and did hurt considerabley. Headaches just suck!

I locked up the shopping trolley alongside the cafe at Regatta Point and changed there. Friar had set up the Customs board, and Aki and NB were also there early. I thought I should warm up, and then had a better idea - more self interest than altrusim, I went off early to hold the watch and be there calling out times when everyone returned. This also means that the runner's gear is not left unattended.

Although not accelerating so much at the start as I often do, I nevertheless ran fairly hard and was not slacking off. Quite a few picnickers and casual cyclists were out and about around Acton Ferry Terminal, and I managed to maintain my form. I ended up doing very even 5 minute splits, which was (just) alright. Downloading my watch at the end of the day indicated that I had kept my heartrate at a good 'race pattern'. Slightly elevating over the course of the run, but maintained at a fairly constant level without large variations. I'm pleased with this.
After much ado, a warm down with Aki and SpeedyGeoff, rather thoughtless of me as it was far too hot for Aki who was suffering terribly in the 34* heat.

It was good talking afterwards though, and I think that I decided, very reluctantly, that I shopuld probably revert to a clear liquid diet. I really have enjoyed eating. Particularly the fresh summer fruits and plenty of vegies. Unless I do something though, any running in public or over distance or at speed (duration and intensity are both bad) will be out of the question. So, I have returned to clear fluids, and will see if that helps, and see if the GP has had any luck with my Sydney specialist thinking on the left side of his brain.
Plan for tomorrow: Longish run on my own in the bush near home, as early as I can manage it.
Fingers crossed.

1 Responses to “A grumpy, whiny start to the day.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You never fail to amaze me FD. How you could do what you did given the way felt is totally awesome. I hope the sinus clears up again soon.

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