Another day, another . . .
Published Thursday, February 16, 2006 by Carolyne | E-mail this post 
Bad run.
Bob has been feeling under the weather lately, and was slow to get going on his packing and preparation for Hobart after returning from Jervis Bay on Monday.
Thus, he only started packing his bike (into a hard shell bike case) on Tuesday morning and was generally running late, and tired, throughout. We managed to just get to the airport in time for his high noon flight, and I then hot footed it down the highway to Woden for the BBQ Stakes, a bucket of muffins at the ready to celebrate Friar's birthday. Originally Rad and I had planned to celebrate as close as we could to his actual birthday on Monday, by having a more intimate celebration at the Lake Tuggeranong Stakes. However we were unable to ascertain Friar's whereabouts and moved the event to Woden. This had meant that the original (only slightly sticky) Date Cake I had made, with accompanying muffins was inappropriate for the much larger Stakes crowd of 40-60 runners. I reverted to the unmentionable once I had exhausted the kilo of dates and used a (not very good, as it turned out) packet mix for some additional chocolate muffins.
Despite the rush to the airport, I was in plenty of time at Woden and enjoyed having a good chat to Rad (who came along especially for Friar) before heading off to change at the Library. To my delight, my handicap had eventually been altered, from 12:15 (where I had been consistently coming last or close to it) to 11:30. I felt OK, but just couldn't move it. Very uneven km splits, slowing terribly at any rise. Gut pain intervened in great spasms nearing the turnaround point, and although I was tempted to take the short cut back to the finish along Hindmarsh Drive, using the additional justification of having to prepare the birthday cakes for Friar.
I didn't take the shortcut, and was passed by a further procession of runners making me believe that once again I was last by the 4km mark. The pain was pretty bad here, and I felt like collapsing in the bushes except that there was the occasional thud of yet another back marker coming up behind me. I had to hold on.
The run down Waldock St is normally my best stretch - I like to open up running downhill and can really pick up speed and momentum. Not today. Pain meant that each footfall was tentative and short. Not a return to reasonable times today.
To my surprise, I caught up with two other early starters near the end, although was unable to get Rad in a sprint for the line. I finished 42nd out of 45 finishers, even with my easier handicap and working hard all the way. Although anxious to get to the toilets at the library, I set up the muffins in a shopping trolley (!) and hung around awkwardly until the presentations were made and I could announce Friar's Birthday. I then whizzed away and only Friar and Rad remained when I returned.
I went home via Civic where I dropped in some forms for Bob, and secured a CD of National Music for the Fat Ass 24 hour track team in Taiwan from our local parliamentary representative. I wandered a bit, knowing that there were a number of things I needed to do, and baulking at spending the money to sit and regroup and write a list over a coffee on my own. (I really am a cheapskate). I toyed with the idea of calling Strewth to see if she could get away, however I was feeling pretty poorly, and was daunted by the bustling busyness of her office when I popped in the other day and didn't feel I should try to drag her away.
Fantastic run tonight at the aqua. Even in pain you still run so well. Did you catch up with LL? I'm so looking forward to hearing how she went. Next time you're in Civic ring me - I love any excuse for a coffee. I'll happily come downstairs so you don't have to face all those scary young trainees!!
Carolyne, was great to see you & Aki on Thursday night...thanks so much for coming to have a meal & a chat.
I couldn't see how to put a comment on your most recent post (about posts etc. disappearing), so I came back to this one! What nasties are at work here??