Why am I so tired?

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I didn't get to run Customs, although Aki did come around and took me out for a coffee afterwards.
I did improve by Saturday enough to walk (yes, walk) down to Lake Ginninderra with the PRB for another coffee.

The walk did me some good, and I felt increasingly energised and looked forward to heading off to the Vets Monthly Handicap the next day. The PRB arranged to pick me up the next morning, and I had a relatively early night to make sure that I was OK.

It seemed so simple, and I felt pretty good, but I realised that 6kms with a big hill near the end (I thought I remembered there would be a big hill heading up to Mt Majura/Mt Ainsile) I'd find it pretty hard going, and would have to walk a good portion of the way. My previous run/walks were averaging over 9 minutes a kilometre, so I thought that it would be pretty fair to estimate 8 minute a k pace. I didn't realise that this would put me off group 3, ahead of some of my favourite older ladies. I felt a bit embarrassed about going to early, and knew (or at least hoped) that I would be running to begin with and need to walk on the hills.

I did start off running, and pretty soon was trundling along the course. I did manage to keep running (in a fashion) the whole way, although a slowed down an awful lot on each of the rises. The turn around was much earlier than I had thought, and it was before the hill rose steeply. Just after the turnaround, those behind me started to appear. I hadn't realised how many people I knew as I came back, and within a kilometre and a half ,I think that I said G'Day to around 100 people by name. It was an amazing feeling, made a bit easier by the downhill section which made it easier for me to talk and breathe while maintaining an illusion of running.

All in all - I huffed and puffed my way to the finish in a distinctly pedestrian 46:35 ~ at a rate of 7:46! It was a brutally honest run too, and I couldn't have gone any faster. I don't know what has happened to me.

Today I slept in until 11:00am, and still feel tired and drained. I had forgotten about how much I enjoyed the Vets Handicaps, and look forward to doing some more in the future. I must remember to take it easy though.

3 Responses to “Why am I so tired?”

  1. Blogger speedygeoff 

    Yes I did see you out there and thought you did quite well. I thought you looked STARTLED though, possibly to find yourself trying to run fast so early in the day.

  2. Blogger Unknown 

    Good on you Carolyne! 6kms & a hill at the end wold make anyone tired....even me!

    Hope to see you soon.

  3. Blogger Ewen 

    You were certainly running well (and in the 6-minute/km range) when you came past me on one of those downhills.

    Obvious, but make sure you're getting enough iron. Tiredness is a symptom of low levels.

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