With Reluctance I Aquiesce

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and revert to an 'él basico' blog template - for the time being!

It might not work either!

Just relax Lucy, I know that life's stressful . . .

7 Responses to “With Reluctance I Aquiesce”

  1. Blogger Gronk 

    Tesing 1,2,3 ! ;-P

  2. Blogger RunDave 

    So is all your formatting lost, or did you save the template. I guess its not the end of the world.

  3. Blogger speedygeoff 

    I like it!

  4. Blogger Ewen 

    Looks good - simple and quick. Seems to be working too which is making Lucy happy.

    Not sure about the bold text in some of the earlier posts.

  5. Blogger Tesso 

    I kinda like the 'el basico' too! Maybe its just because the larger font makes me think my eyes aren't really that bad after all ;-)

    Hope you're feeling a little better.

  6. Blogger Ewen 

    Yes, that's it... the easy to read larger font. As opposed to the tiny font used by Plu ;)

  7. Blogger strewth 

    Great to read - restful for the elderly eyes!! So glad to have you back and so sorry you're having so many problems. I hope our run last weekend wasn't the cause! It was so lovely having your company.

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