Warning ~ Whinge Central

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Thanks for all your comments guys. Lucy is a fine specimen, and is still in fine form. If she is still around on the 13 July this year, there will be a great knees up as we celebrate her 21st! Go Lucy Cat.

Can't say I'm thrilled with the no frills blog style, but so be it. At the moment I don't think that I would be happy with anything, so I'll grow out of it. My running (and thus life itself) has almost ground to a stop, with the six foot track out of the question (it'll still be on next year, eh?) and me finding as hard going as it ever gets to expire around the course in a pathetic 36 minutes. It was my 99th run, so I had to go!

The rest of the afternoon was written off.

Everything else is generally just blah-ing along. I'm considering not taking running shoes with me to Laos (size, weight and use being more optimistic than practical).

I'm concerned that I'm ********** Brain Malfunction!! ********** completely forgot what I was going to say. Leave now!

This photo was taken of a mature Lucy in 1990, when she was just a strapping four or five year old!

6 Responses to “Warning ~ Whinge Central”

  1. Blogger Cirque 

    Carolyne, I'm so sorry you have the blah's so badly. You are one of my major inspirations and I'm totally in awe of how you keep going through the worst possible difficulties. Honestly, at times when I think I'm doing it tough I think of what you're going through and I feel like a total sook.

    Please give Bella's love to Lucy!

  2. Blogger speedygeoff 

    What a gorgeous cat, and speedyjenny thinks so too.

  3. Blogger CJ 

    Carolyne - it doesn't sound very promising about Deek's bakery and cafe. Sounds like it might need a bit of improving! Might wait a couple of weeks before i head there.

  4. Blogger Aki 

    Great pictures of Lucy, and I can read your blog now on explorer!!! You know very well that running 36 minutes for 6k is better than not being able to run at all, I just hope you'll be able to enjoy running again soon.

    Hey, I'm whinging with you, these last two months have been nasty for you. :(

    Hope to see you today. :)

  5. Blogger Gronk 

    Hope things turn around for you soon FD. Anyway, you have a nice holiday coming up soon. Time to re-charge those batteries.

    Gee, I hope your OK by May. Love to see you in Albury ! :)

  6. Blogger Spark Driver 

    Im going to miss those dancing duck's feet.

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