Has it really been that long?

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Yes, I'm slack.

But I am alive, and Bob has returned from the wilds of the Himalayas in one piece and without too much weight loss.

He developed a cold, and has kindly passed it on to me and a few others. Coupled with having to prepare dinner for a hungry yeti rather keen to eat something other than daahl and rice I have barley had the energy to do anything else.

I also had to discuss with Bob the prospects of me travelling with him to Hanoi on our planned three and a bit month trip to Vietnam. We have come down on the side of deciding that the hot, humid weather of a Vietnamese wet season will probably do me the world of good, and if I'm going to be lying around home not doing too much, I may as well do it over there.

So, the principle of the decision out of the way, all that is left is the rapidly approaching countdown, and the guilt inducing rush of getting things 'ready' in time. Guilt, as I find that I am still not able to do much at all.

Que Sera Sera. It will happen.

1 Responses to “Has it really been that long?”

  1. Blogger Gronk 

    Good. Pleased that you're biting the bullet and going FD. I'd love to eat my way through Vietnam !

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