Still nothing much . . .

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I am rather frustrated with this sinusitis-thingy. Using an inhaler and taking stronger pain killers with Codeine has certainly helped quite a bit, as has keeping tucked up in a warm room and trying to avoid the cold.

Having said that, I getting so frightfully fed up with it. I'm sort of OK and then, wham! The Earache ramps up a few notches, the glands become hard and more painful, and the throat raw and sore. I'm tired and sleeping a great deal, and despite the use of artificial tears my eyes are so dry and gritty it is getting difficult to see.

Whinge whinge whinge. Sorry.

1 Responses to “Still nothing much . . .”

  1. Blogger Ewen 

    Whinging can be therapeutic (as long as you're not a Pom).

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