Back in Oz

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I'm pleased to be back, and will be really pleased to have unimpeded access to a computer of three without having to share with the Bobbette.

Our last day in the US far exceeded what one could have expected . . . although it was very tight, we decided to run a 10k in Central Park on the morning of our departure. Not being prepared to cough up the mega bucks to stay in Manhattan on our last nights, we were staying in the Borough of Queens in Flushing, near La Guardia airport for our last tow nights. It was pretty cool being in this area of NYC, it really was little Korea, and a very vibrant Chinatown. A meal on our first night at "The Happy Buddha", a vegetarian Chinese restaurant was typical - and certified Kosher. (Of course).

After returning the car (loved the car!) on Saturday, we travelled on the local train to Manhattan, which was pretty interesting all on its own. We registered at the New York Road Runners Club near Central Park on the east side of 92nd Street. It wasn't the ACT Cross Country Club! A large Brownstone, the stream of fit bods coming through the doors alerted us to the fact that this wasn't going to be just a little fun run (like in Chattanooga, Tennessee). Fantastic facilities abounded, and we paid our $30 bucks and collected our timing chips and the obligatory race T-shirt (long sleeve, white).

T-shirt score; Bob 10, Carolyne a mere 6.

We then wandered down Madison and Park Avenue among the very beautiful, very expensively dressed people, and were equally agog at the remarkable Christmas windows in stores such as Barney's or Ralph Lauren. They were amazing. A visit to the store at MOMA was a bit of a disappointment, I had been so excited when I was there a couple of weeks ago, I thought that I would wrap up (that is, start) all my Christmas Shopping. The crowds were truly horrendous though, and although we tried, I just couldn't see my way through the throng of people and gave up.

Sunday morning meant an early start and a late check0out to get to the run in time. Thousands poured into the Park at the 102nd Street entrance, and we joined the crowds for the Joe Kleinerman Memorial 10k.

It was a great, very cold run, with thousands of all standards running around the perimetre roads of Central Park, past frozen lakes with snow on the banks. I had decided that I had to be very restrained . . . it was at least an hour and a half of travelling back to Flushing, with around a 2 kilometre walk from the subway back to the hotel, and I had to attend to some medical matters which took around two hours before we checked out and left for the airport.

No matter how good I felt, I couldn't burn myself out and be too stuffed for the rest of the day. I started slow, stayed slow, and was relatively even, given the uneven nature of the terrain. I ended a bit disappointed with my elapsed time (around 63 minutes), but, then It was just what I was aiming for, and I was able to get through the rest of the day and the flight home. And, hey! I wasn't last either!

A great way to finish off our trip to the US, and a fitting finish. Central Park must be one of my favourite places, so uncommonly natural among city parks, it is a real treat.

2 Responses to “Back in Oz”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Welcome back

    Now you'll have to reacclimatise to the hot weather and the odd spelling.

    And lack of crowds.

  2. Blogger Ewen 

    I knew you were back in OZ because I saw Bob last night! Welcome home y'all :)

    I want to visit New York and Central Park one day. Now you just have to brave the less crowded shops of the Canberra Centre ;)

    Which car? The Chrysler or the Chevy?

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