I'm Back, but buggered

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Wild weather in Europe delayed our flight from Vienna by hours, and this in turn fed into the madness of London Heathrow. Despite arriving well after our flight to Sydney was due to depart, we somehow made the connection. Our luggage alas, did not.

Although I seemed to manage OK on Saturday when we arrived back in Canberra, since then I have felt shocking; general aches and pains in the joints, constant headaches, and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Two of our four pieces of missing luggage did arrive late this afternoon, Bob's bike and my hold-all, which is a good start.

3 Responses to “I'm Back, but buggered”

  1. Blogger speedygeoff 

    It's great to have you back again, we'll catch up soon!

  2. Blogger Ewen 

    Welcome back FD (and FD)! Hope you're unbuggered soon.

  3. Blogger Unknown 

    I'm so glad you're back in town FD! It would be great to meet up with you again soon. Rest up well!

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